Mission, Vision and Values

The Global Women´s Network for Providers of Women´s Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery

Our Mission

To increase the number and quality of women’s substance use disorder treatment centers and services by providing a global nurturing, empowering and educational platform for the treatment and recovery workforce; to share and create a support network to improve treatment services to ensure that all women, including women involved with the criminal justice system, who need access to high quality, evidence-based substance use disorder treatment, can receive life-changing care. 

Our Vision

To empower the professional workforce to ensure that every woman with a substance use disorder has on-demand barrier-free access to stigma-free, evidence-based, high-quality, trauma-informed, and gender-responsive care, that improves women’s health, well-being, and quality of life. 

Our Guiding Values


  • Substance use disorders are biopsychosocial-spiritual in nature and people can learn to manage their illness and achieve holistic recovery.
  • Belief in the individual’s capacity for change.
  • Belief in the fundamental worth and resiliency of the human spirit is the foundation of treatment.
  • Care provision is person-centered, respectful, active, and participatory.
  • Commitment to the highest-quality women-centered treatment leads to lasting change.


  • Exploring and establishing strategic partnerships with individuals and organizations who share our focus.
  • People with living experience of addiction, treatment and recovery are essential to the team.
  • Communicating openly about goals, initiatives, and achievements to widen support for our mission, objectives, and actions.
  • Leveraging unique knowledge and insight to expand services for women throughout the world.
  • Focusing on taking practical steps and acquiring resources as identified by analysis and data. 
  • Openness to sharing information, goals, strategies, and short-term, medium-term, and long-term solutions within the network and beyond.

Solution Focused

  • Implementing innovative evidence-based full-spectrum care leads to the best outcomes for women.
  • Addressing and removing barriers to care increases the likelihood that women will access and engage in services.
  • Treating women in women-only settings provides women with the best chance for recovery.

 With a Growth Mindset

  • Connecting the women’s treatment workforce to the resources they need to better prepare them for their career. 
  • Inspiring each other in pursuit of greater levels of quality care giving and confidence. 
  • Develop and share practices and tools widely to support new and on-going women’s centers that treat substance use disorders


  • Education and training unite treatment providers and equips them with the most innovative interventions in bringing to bear cutting-edge treatment options for women.
  • Conviction that the practice of sound research procedures to identify the best methods for treating substance use leads to the best methods of patient care.
  • Empowering women through trauma-informed and gender sensitive education, support, and intervention promotes self-sufficiency and economic independence.
  • Breaking the intergenerational cycle of alcohol and drug use disorders and forms of trauma and abuse is achievable when we improve the maternal-child emotional attachment.
  • Fostering healthy relationships improves long-term outcomes.
  • Those who provide care to treat women with SUD deserve support, compassion, and the tools they need to bring their best selves to the work they do. 


  • Utmost sensitivity to cultural diversity as it may express itself among network membership and beyond.
  • Open-mindedness to the ideas and perspectives of others.

Our ethics are based upon the above values and the idea doing that which is right and good.

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Women´s Charter 2023 428.63 KB