As part of our ongoing efforts to achieve significant drug demand reduction in Liberia, we are implementing evidence-based prevention intervention programs. A critical step in this process involves training and involving prevention professionals to effectively address substance use issues in our communities.
The Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) ECHO-Training began on November 4, 2024, and the first phase will conclude on November 16, 2024. My sincere appreciation goes to the Ministry of Health, particularly the Mental Health Unit, for their efforts in recruiting participants and meticulously planning this training. I am also profoundly grateful to the World Health Organization (WHO) for providing the necessary financial resources to facilitate this training. My appreciation to The Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme - DAP for providing the training materials (UPC Core Course and School track) and also building the capacity of the national trainers.
As the Lead Facilitator, I extend heartfelt thanks to all facilitators and Substance Use Disorders Prevention Professionals for their dedication in imparting valuable knowledge to the 22 participants from various institutions. Your contributions are pivotal to strengthening our country's capacity in prevention and fostering resilience.
To achieve impactful and sustained drug demand reduction in Liberia, we need a collaborative workforce united in purpose.
Healthy Choices, Healthy life, Say No to Drugs
(Christopher Saah Bangaou, Substance Use Prevention Professional Specialized in School-based & Environment-Based Prevention)