Temos o prazer de anunciar que o lançamento do ISSUP UK Chapter ocorreu na quinta-feira, 23. Setembro às 14h (horário de Brasília). O lançamento será seguido por um webinar sobre o tema 'Uso de Substâncias e Famílias'.
ICUDDR, INL, ISSUP and NRC are partnering to host a global in person and online event from 11th – 16th May 2022 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. We welcome abstract submissions for sub-plenary and poster presentations at the event. DEADLINE EXTENDED!
Tattan-Birch, H., Brown, J., Shahab, L. et al. Trends in use of e-cigarette device types and heated tobacco products from 2016 to 2020 in England. Sci Rep 11, 13203 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-92617-x
During the past decade, heated aerosolized nicotine delivery systems (HANDS) —mainly e-cigarettes—have surpassed nicotine replacement therapy as the most utilized aids for stopping smoking in England.
It is therefore important to explore how the number of people using different device types and nicotine concentrations is changing, alongside a regulatory environment that may incentivize or discourage use of certain products. This study examined trends in the use of different products including:
The Annual Meeting will be held on March 2-5 2022, and is currently scheduled to take place at the Edinburgh International Conference Center in Edinburgh, Scotland.
The SRNT 2022 Annual Meeting may be a hybrid (part in person, part virtual) or entirely virtual, depending on how things play out in the coming months. A final decision about the meeting format (face-to-face hybrid virtual component vs. entirely virtual) will not be made for some time. In the meantime, attendees should not hesitate to submit for fear of being unable to travel. Rest assured that the meeting, no matter the chosen...
Consisting of five separate booklets, the World Drug Report 2021 provides an in-depth analysis of the global drug markets and paints a comprehensive picture of the measurable effects and potential impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the world drug problem.
1. From 1 May 2021 there has been a change in how you can remain updated on UK-relevant research evaluating interventions to treat or prevent substance use problems and on the meaning and practice implications of the evidence base.
2. Drug and Alcohol Findings will no longer routinely issue updates. Supported by Findings’ co-owner Natalie Davies, this function will instead be provided free of charge by the Society for the Study of Addiction (http://www.addiction-ssa.org) as part of its mission to promote evidence-informed practice.
Claire Melia: 'Language matters: Contemporary discursive constructions of alcohol use.' This talk draws upon research surrounding the prominent discourses used to account for alcohol use across a range...
ISSUP UK are pleased to announce the second in our series of the DARC Research Webinar Series 2021, which takes place on Wednesday 17 February at 13:00-14:00 hours UK time, by Dr Claire Melia on the subject of Language matters: Contemporary discursive constructions of alcohol use.
This talk draws upon research surrounding the prominent discourses used to account for alcohol use across a range of contexts. Analysis considers the impact of these constructions in attributing blame and the associated stigma for alcohol use issues.
If you are interested in attending, please click on the...