Science of Self-Care: How It Helps and Why It Matters
Summary Report: Experience and Expertise of People with Lived and Living Experience on the Integration of Mental Health and Substance Use Health Services in Canada
While integrated services for mental health and substance use health have been studied for more than two decades no recent or comprehensive reviews exist — particularly with a peer research methodology — on how the people who use these...
Consideration of vaping products as an alternative to adult smoking: a narrative review
Tobacco harm reduction is a public health strategy aimed at lessening the health impact of cigarette smoking. This approach involves using non-combustible alternatives to cigarettes, such as electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), which...
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment for Substance Use. Part II: Introduction to Brief Interventions and Referral to Treatment
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment for Substance Use. Part I: Introduction to SBIRT and Screening Tools for Substance Use.
Who Helps The Helper? A Skills Transfer Program for Behavioural and Substance Use Professionals
Novas orientações sobre álcool
"Beba Menos, Viva Mais" é a mensagem de uma nova campanha publicitária lançada pelo Centro Canadense sobre Uso e Dependência de Substâncias (CCSA) para promover a Orientação do Canadá sobre Álcool e Saúde. Com início no início de outubro, a...
Substance Use Disorders (SUD) and Type 2 Diabetes: Integration of Evidence-Based Diabetes Care to Promote Quality Health Outcomes
How does the Excise Tax Affect Secondhand Smokers and the Health Consequences of such Addiction?
INTRODUCTION: Smoking and tobacco products are long-term tolerated and socially accepted in many societies. In some socioeconomic groups and regions, this is considered standard practice. One of the ways to limit not only direct but also...
Kit de ferramentas pediátrico para envenenamento por cannabis
Pesquisas recentes revelaram um aumento nas hospitalizações infantis resultantes de envenenamento acidental por cannabis em várias regiões do Canadá. As crianças acham os comestíveis de cannabis atraentes devido à sua semelhança com...
Exploring electronic cigarette portrayals: a content and thematic analysis of African online news coverage
Background: Electronic cigarette usage has seen a significant increase globally in recent years, with many countries reporting a rise in users. However, the way African news portrays this phenomenon remains unclear.
Methods: This study...
Nova regra na Nova Zelândia exige advertência em todo o álcool embalado
Uma nova regra exigirá que todo o álcool embalado que está sendo vendido tenha advertências no rótulo sobre os danos que pode causar aos bebês por nascer.
A agência de segurança alimentar diz que a medida é apoiada por conselhos de...
Tratamento e Prevenção de Transtornos por Uso de Substâncias no Local de Trabalho
Efectos del uso de cannabis fumada en adolescentes escolares
Report: Colloquium on “Responding to the nexus between adverse childhood experiences and drug use”
Exposição precoce à cannabis e consequências duradouras no cérebro
Hidroxibutirato de gama (GHB) como uma nova tempestade para profissionais de saúde mental e dependência: Insight de países em desenvolvimento
Risk Behaviour of Adolescents Aged 10–15 in Slovakia. Relation to Sex, Age, and Body Mass Index
BACKGROUND: As a theoretical base we used Jessor’s concept of the Syndrome of Risk Behaviour in Adolescence, the self-concept, and the concept of body image.
AIM: The main aim of the contribution was research on the relations between the...