Гуамский центр психического здоровья и благополучия и Тихоокеанский юго-западный центр передачи технологий зависимостей сердечно приглашают вас сохранить дату проведения третьей ежегодной конференции Гуама по расстройствам, связанным с...
New Zealand is making history with the launch of a bold Smokefree Action Plan that aims to reduce daily smoking prevalence to less than 5 percent for all population groups across the country by 2025.
The aim of the new plan is to eliminate inequities in smoking rates and smoking-related illnesses, ensure children never start smoking and remain smoke-free and increase the number of people who successfully quit smoking.
The action plan includes 6 focus areas to reduce the availability, addictiveness and appeal of smoked tobacco products.
Focus areas outlined by the Ministry of Health New...
UNODC PTRS is looking for civil society service providers offering drug use disorder treatment or prevention services in humanitarian settings, all over the world.
The abstract submission deadline EXTENDED! Abstract submissions for our event taking place online and in person in Abu Dhabi: 11-16th May, 2022 has been extended to 31st October! Find out more about the event and submit your abstract: issup.net/event2022
Guam’s Second Annual Conference on Substance Use Disorders Among Pacific Islanders will take place on the 21st-22nd of September. You can register for the event here.
Earn up to 8.0 CEs while attending presentations in the following...
Симпозиум продемонстрирует широкое разнообразие и глубину исследований и программ NDARC, а также подчеркнет работу наших коллег-организаций, будет способствовать динамичным дискуссиям и предоставит возможности для создания новых связей.
Joint Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conferences will once again be hosted in a virtual format between 6 to 9 September, following the success of last year’s inaugural virtual conferences.
Consisting of five separate booklets, the World Drug Report 2021 provides an in-depth analysis of the global drug markets and paints a comprehensive picture of the measurable effects and potential impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the world drug problem.
The VNGOC together with the UNODC Civil Society Unit will be holding two webinars to present and discuss the World Drug Report 2021, which will be launched on 25th June.
VNGOC are looking for civil society speakers wishing to present at these webinars, on how they use the data compiled in the World Drug Report each year and how these data impact their work.
The first webinar will be held on 13th July 2021 and will focus on Asia, Oceania and Europe.
The second webinar will be held on 15th July 2021 and will focus on Africa and the Americas.
The first part of this report provides options for responses to counter the synthetic drug problem.
The second part presents a global thematic analysis of the key trends and emerging developments of the synthetic drugs market as well as the recent trends in the manufacture of synthetic drugs, including the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The third part provides the key findings of the synthetic drug situation in the different regions of the world.
Workshop Goal: To give staff working in AOD clinical settings an understanding of the key concepts and principles of clinical research and the benefits of introducing research into the clinical setting.
Workshop Goal: To give participants involved in research and trials a thorough understanding of all aspects of Good Clinical Practice and how it applies to everyday trial management .
Руководящие принципы предоставляют медицинским работникам, лицам, формирующим политику, и австралийскому сообществу основанные на фактических данных рекомендации о последствиях употребления алкоголя для здоровья.
Руководящие принципы направлены на то, чтобы помочь людям принимать обоснованные решения о употреблении алкоголя.
Руководящие принципы также призваны сформировать доказательную базу для разработки политики и учебных материалов.
С рекомендациями можно ознакомиться в документах PDF здесь.
NHMRC также использует электронный подход к публикации руководящих принципов. Для этих...
The third edition of NZ Drug Foundation annual report on how New Zealand is dealing with alcohol and other drugs was published in December 2020.
The aim of State of the Nation is to provide a backdrop against which we can assess the impact of any policy changes.
The 2020 report is designed to provide a benchmark to assess whether recent reforms are delivering on their promises.
Rates of harmful alcohol use remain of concern in New Zealand, and cannabis use is rising - but tobacco use is going down. Methamphetamine use remained relatively steady across the population as a whole last year...
UNODC has launched a new survey to collect feedback on the World Drug Report.
The objective of this survey is to maintain the relevance of the World Drug Report by understanding how it is used and the extent to which it fulfils the needs and expectations of its readers.
The deadline for submission is the 21st of September.