
Исследование указывает на вмешательства по сокращению потребления алкоголя студентами бразильских университетов

Shared by Livia - ср, 01/29/2020 - 12:18
Originally posted by Samuel Bettiol - Freemind - вт, 01/28/2020 - 19:13
Estudo indica intervenções breves com universitários brasileiros

Студенты университетов считаются группой риска в отношении потребления алкогольных напитков либо по частоте употребления, либо по его последствиям, что может даже значительно повлиять на успеваемость студента. По этой причине потребление алкоголя в этой группе населения находится в центре внимания и...

Nele De Vriendt

Thanks for sharing this !
One of my students just did a masterpaper in which she investigated drinking behaviour amongst master students either being medical students or being students in a non-paramedical faculty. The aim is to see whether there's a difference in the awareness of the risks that come along with alcohol consumption (we guessed and found that medical students do have better knowledge) and then compare this to their drinking behaviour. We hoped to find that better knowledge is being accompanied with less risky alcohol consumption (we found a weak negative connection).
The paper is under review at the moment, we hope to get it published soon. I'll keep you up to date. Our students are our future and we need to take care of them !!!!

Nele De Vriendt

Btw, I don't see any file being attached ? Could've been forgotten ?

Eler Francisco…

Excelente artículo compartido y además qué importante pensar y trabajar desde la prevención y asistencia en los ámbitos académicos de altos estudios o pos grado donde, quienes acceden a estas instancias, puedan recurrir a información o acompañamiento en caso de ser necesario. Gracias