UTC Training for Addiction Professionals in Mexico Time Zones
Ecolink Institute, India organizes its 4th International Training programme on Universal Treatment Curriculum on Substance Use Disorder for 5 April 2021 on every Monday and Friday from 6-8 AM on Mexican Time and 6.30 to 8.30 PM on Indian...
Tobacco Webinar Series: Tobacco Smoking Addiction - From Prevention to Treatment
Effectiveness Bank Course on Alcohol Treatment Research Reaches its Conclusion
Time to recap the journey started over a year ago to update the Alcohol Treatment Matrix, a unique mapping of seminal and key research and guidance on alcohol brief...
Tobacco Webinar Series: Tobacco Use - Pleasure or Harm?
Institute of Alcohol Studies: Alcohol Knowledge Centre
The IAS Alcohol Knowledge Centre is home to an extensive library of information – infographics, factsheets and a host of related resources – about alcohol.
Topics covered:
- Alcohol across society
- Availability
- Consumption
- Health ...
Scholarships for the International Network on Brief Intervention for Alcohol and Other Drugs
INEBRIA offers the possibility to apply for scholarships to attend virtually or in-person to the INEBRIA 2021 conference for professionals with genuine interest in expanding alcohol screening and brief interventions in their countries.
...Integrating Patient Perspectives in the Development of a Mobile Health Intervention to Address Chronic Pain and Heavy Drinking in Primary Care: A Qualitative Study of Patients in an Urban, Safety-Net Hospital Setting
Chronic pain and heavy drinking are conditions that commonly co-occur among primary care patients. Despite the availability of behavioral interventions that target these conditions individually, engagement and...
План мероприятий открытия Национального подразделения International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) Kazakhstan
Команда ISSUP Kazakhstan рада приветствовать Вас на предстоящем мероприятии — «Торжественная церемония открытия Национального подразделения International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) Kazakhstan», которое состоится онлайн 1...
Alternatives to Imprisonment for Drug Users
Using Nutrition to Promote Addiction Recovery
Nutrition in Addiction Recovery: Reading List
7 Tips to Engage in Mental Health Treatment the Guatemalan Maya Families Living in the United States
Publication Date: August 1, 2020
Developed By: National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC
Guatemalans were the sixth-largest Hispanic group living in...
The Role of Public Organisations in Providing Assistance to Users of Psychoactive Substances: The Experience of Ukraine
Integrating a Brief Alcohol Intervention with Tobacco Addiction Treatment in Primary Care: Qualitative Study of Health Care Practitioner Perceptions
Randomized trials of complex interventions are increasingly including qualitative components to further understand factors that contribute to their success. In this paper, we explore the experiences of health care...
Beyond the Patient: Treatment’s Impacts on Family and Community. Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix, Row 5
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Time to consolidate the lessons of row 5 of the Alcohol Treatment Matrix. This final row defocused from the patient to ask what treatment...
A Systematic Review of Evidence-Based Practice Implementation in Drug and Alcohol Settings: Applying the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research Framework
There is a paucity of translational research programmes to improve implementation of evidence-based care in drug and alcohol settings. This systematic review aimed to provide a synthesis and evaluation of the...
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Webinar
Presentation from Dr Sharon Lambert, School of Applied Psychology, UCC exploring the assessment and impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences with the PSI Early Graduate Group.
Managed Alcohol Programmes
Dr Hannah Carver (University of Stirling) presents research on Managed Alcohol Programmes: "Investigating the need for alcohol harm reduction and Managed Alcohol Programmes for people experiencing homelessness and alcohol use disorders...
Perspectives of Repeat Drink-drivers in the UK
Dr Andrea Mohan (University of Dundee) presented: "What can we learn from the perspectives of repeat drink-drivers? Findings from a qualitative study".