Highlights from the 2024 UNODC World Drug Report
Can a "treatment specialist" also be seen as a "prevention specialist" and vice versa?
A contribution by Jeff Lee from the ISSUP INEP Plus facilitators training course.
Many individuals working in treatment automatically consider themselves to possess particular skills for engaging in prevention work. I have some concerns...
Responding to an International Need: INEP Plus
The Introduction to Evidence Based Prevention (INEP) provides learners with the essential principles of substance use prevention. Developed by Charles University (CUNI) in Prague, the course content is based on the European adaptation of...
Experiences of UTC-Trained Addiction Professionals
INTRODUCTION: In response to the emerging recognition of the need for Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) for treating PSUDs, the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) was conceptualised as a training series that is being conducted globally...
Sport in the Context of Sports Betting and Gambling from the Perspective of University Students: Case of the Czech Republic
BACKGROUND: The sports sector with all its aspects has become an inseparable part of modern society and its influence is manifested in both, local and global, aspects of the life in every country. Not only does sport create and promote...
Students’ Experience with the Online Course in Prevention Science in Two Distinct University Settings: A Pilot Study
BACKGROUND: Online learning has the potential to increase accessibility to high quality and cost-effective resources in prevention of risk behaviors. The aim of this pilot study was to assess the experience of university students with the...