A global reference on drug markets, trends and policy developments, the World Drug Report offers a wealth of data and analysis and in 2024 comprises several elements tailored to different audiences.
Visually presents substance use trends and describes whether expected substance use aligned with actual substance contents. Data were collected from harm reduction sites in seven regions across Canada that participated in the Community Urinalysis and Self-Report Project between 2021 and 2023.
Drugs from the unregulated market often contain added substances that people who use drugs do not know are there or do not intend to use. This is a key driver of unintentional drug poisoning and the drug poisoning crisis.
SAMHSA report discusses the evidence supporting the effectiveness of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) as a comprehensive approach, as well as for the implementation and effectiveness of the individual components of SBIRT for different behavioural health conditions.
The report describes briefly the underlying research that has been conducted in the prevention and early intervention of risky alcohol, substance abuse and tobacco consumption, as well as commonly reported mental health problems, and describes existing studies/models for specific populations and...
The ASSIST package, which consists of a brief questionnaire, a guide for health professionals on how to use the questionnaire in detecting and responding to substance use and also a self-help manual for cutting down or stopping substance use, is the result of more than 10-years work by WHO and an international group of researchers in the framework of the WHO ASSIST project. It is WHO’s response to the growing demand for guidance on how to best manage problems of substance use in non specialist health care settings. This approach, quick and easy to learn, useful for all substances including...
The DIMS annual report 2022 covers the concentrations, adulterations, and other relevant information produced by DIMS in the past year, and in doing so forms a topical image of the Dutch drug market. Spread out over all Dutch provinces, the DIMS network encompasses 32 testing-facilities providing nation-wide coverage. Together with these partners, DIMS aims to create a clear insight into the Dutch drug market, and signal potential health risks to the public.
Call for Research Poster Abstract Submissions and Travel Award Requests
Submission Deadline: January 14, 2024
Present your international drug use and addiction research during the 2024 NIDA International Forum, which will be held June 14–17, 2024, in Montreal, Canada.
The NIDA International Program invites research poster abstract submissions and travel award applications from researchers around the world. Join for the Forum research symposium, interactive workshops, the poster session, and networking activities.
The Ad-Hoc Asia-Pacific Working Group of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs is pleased to invite you to participate in the Asia-Pacific regional civil society consultationin preparation for the in preparations for the Commission on Narcotic...
The event is jointly organized by the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC) Civil Society Unit and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC).
Ms Chloe Carpientier (Chief, UNODC Drugs Research Section) will present the main...
Cocaine is an addictive stimulant drug that originates from the leaves of the coca plant, which is indigenous to South America. The drug's effects include heightened alertness, attention, and energy, as well as feelings of euphoria and confidence. However, these effects come at a high cost, as cocaine use can lead to a range of negative health and social consequences.
You can also visit the ISSUP Network on cocaine, to access further resources. The fourth booklet focuses on the global market of stimulants including cocaine.
1) The 2022 World Drug Report provides a global overview of the...
Bentzley BS, Han SS, Neuner S, Humphreys K, Kampman KM, Halpern CH. Comparison of Treatments for Cocaine Use Disorder Among Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(5):e218049. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.8049
Key Points
Question What treatments for cocaine use disorder are associated with objective reductions in cocaine use among adults?
Findings In this meta-analysis of 157 clinical trials comprising 402 treatment groups and 15 842 participants, only contingency management programs were significantly associated with an increased likelihood of having a negative test result for the presence of cocaine, and this association remained significant in all sensitivity analyses.
Contingency management (CM) is a type of behavioural therapy that uses positive reinforcement to encourage drug abstinence...
Cocaine is the hydrochloride salt produced from the leaves of the coca plant. Powder cocaine is typically snorted and less frequently injected. Crack is a smokable form of cocaine and is manufactured from cocaine hydrochloride.
Cocaine is known for its immediate effects and association with problematic patterns of drug use.
On this page, you can find links to data, scientific publications and resources available from the EMCDDA on the topic of cocaine and crack cocaine.
Resources are available in the following categories.
The cocaine market presents a clear threat at the global level. Well-defined locations of production in South America and large consumer markets in the Americas and Europe lead to trafficking routes from a circumscribed origin to specific, even if far-flung, destinations. While some parts of the world play a crucial role as transit regions, the routes, modalities, and networks employed by criminal actors continue to evolve, diversify and become more efficient. The increasingly globalized, interconnected, digitalized and technologically sophisticated nature of society, as well as a growing...
In the context of an ongoing expansion of the global cocaine market, this report summarizes the current state of knowledge on what cocaine consumer products are and how they are produced and consumed in different world regions. The report is based on available published evidence and on the knowledge gained through UNODC’s monitoring activities in South American countries.
It offers insight into the spectrum of cocaine products in order to assist practitioners in drug supply and drug demand reduction, such as law enforcement agencies and healthcare providers, to tailor their response to the...
Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime
New patterns of drug trafficking through Guinea Bissau as a result of COVID-19 are documented in this report covering the destabilizing factors of drug financing, trafficking, and political and military corruption.