ISSUP The Bahamas

Welcome to ISSUP Bahamas!

ISSUP Bahamas is now formally established as an ISSUP National Chapter

ISSUP Bahamas has been established to promote the mission and vision of ISSUP within the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and internationally in collaboration with Global ISSUP and other National Chapter partners.

ISSUP Bahamas represents the professional interest of Substance Use Professionals, educators, and other addiction-focused healthcare professionals in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.  As an essential part of the healthcare continuum, ISSUP Bahamas members and its affiliates will work to create healthier individuals, families, and communities through prevention, intervention, quality treatment, and recovery support.  This process will be guided by the ethical ideals of the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), the International Centre for Certification and Education (ICCE), and the International Society of Substance Use Professionals.  As we forge forward during this transitional stage, we sincerely desire that the Government of the Bahamas ratifies this association as an official body to assist in reducing, producing, and using illicit drugs.

Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre is the host organization for the International Society of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Professionals in the Bahamas, hence ISSUP Bahamas Chapter.  The formal launch of the ISSUP Bahamas Chapter took place on February 2, 2023.

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