ISSUP Afghanistan

ISSUP Afghanistan National Chapter welcomes all Afghan professionals working in drug treatment and prevention field to become active members of this society and to play a more dynamic role in drug demand reduction and professionalization of drug treatment and prevention field. ISSUP Afghanistan National Chapter is committed to work together with all those involved in the field and as well in the policy level, and to effectively combat drug disaster in Afghanistan. As human beings and as professionals we are all responsible to supporting the efforts made in this sector and to collectively work for sustainability and quality improvement of current drug prevention and treatment activities in Afghanistan.

We are happy to ask you all to become members of Global ISSUP and as well Afghanistan National Chapter. We need to enthusiastically continue our cause against drug with the help of each other with consistency and commitment. Strengthening expert networks and technical platforms will not only improve our current capacity, but in the same time, this would enable us to improve our networking with global professionals and institutions and to draw their technical support in terms of our knowledge and capacity building and sustainability of the programs.

ISSUP Afghanistan National Chapter is welcoming you all for joining us!

This piece of content is not translated in Dari. View the original content in انگلیسی here.


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