Welcome to ISSUP Egypt!

ISSUP Egypt is hosted by the Okasha Institute of Psychiatry. The Okasha institute of Psychiatry is a center dedicated to providing high quality psychiatric care, educational and research activities. It is the official training site for trainees in Psychiatry at the Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine, one of the top faculties of medicine in Egypt and has been selected by both, the World Health Organization (WHO) and World Psychiatric Association (WPA), as a collaborating center for research and training.

The National Chapter was launched on 14th June 2023. The launch event formed part of the Ain Shams University 18th International Congress on Psychiatry in Cairo.

Okasha Institute of Psychiatry:

Mission: To provide continuous professional development as well as support to professionals in the field of Substance Use prevention, treatment and recovery as a unique and multidisciplinary field in Egypt

Vision: The vision of ISSUP Egypt is to foster the professional development and research activities of substance use professionals in Egypt to achieve a high quality, evidence-based, ethical and professionals working in the field of drug demand reduction – prevention, treatment and recovery in Egypt as well as in collaboration with ISSUP, and other international organizations.

National Chapter Lead for  the inauguration of ISSUP Egypt was Professor Amany Haroun El Rasheed

Current National Chapter Lead: Professor Nahla Elsayed Nagy

This piece of content is not translated in Dari. View the original content in انگلیسی here.

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