ISSUP Vietnam

Welcome to ISSUP Vietnam!

Welcome to ISSUP Vietnam! In Vietnam, the increasing rates of substance use among youth underscore the need to understand community perspectives on this issue and to implement evidence-based strategies for reducing its prevalence. By gaining insight into these perspectives and identifying socioeconomic vulnerabilities, Vietnam's healthcare system can address the urgent challenge of substance use and provide vital support to individuals and communities affected by substance use disorders. Members of Vietnam ISSUP are committed to advancing the skills and knowledge of professionals in the field of substance use in Vietnam, for example, through targeted training courses and research programs. At ISSUP Vietnam, our mission is clear: to professionalize and elevate the field of substance use disorder prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery support in Vietnam. We are achieving this goal through a multidisciplinary approach – which includes a collaboration among government agencies, local NGOs, community groups, and international health-related organizations – that integrates capacity building, research, policy advocacy, and community engagement. Our partnerships have enabled us to utilize additional resources, expertise, and networks, enhancing our ability to make a meaningful impact to the field of substance use (see more in section “Knowledge Share”). As such, ISSUP Vietnam warmly invites professionals, policymakers, stakeholders, volunteers, individuals with lived experience, family members, and community members to join us in our journey towards a healthier, more resilient, and informed community. We look forward to working with you to achieve our shared goals.

This piece of content is not translated in Dari. View the original content in انگلیسی here.

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