Welcome to ISSUP Kazakhstan!

The Republic of Kazakhstan is an independent state in Central Asia, multi-ethnic and multi-religious, which is one of the ten largest countries in the world by area. Kazakhstan is a country with an ancient and unique culture, which has preserved its traditions and has modern views on all areas of life.

Currently, Kazakhstan faces numerous problems in the health sector that deserve close attention. One of these huge problems is related to the use of various narcotic substances, which is growing and mainly affects the working young generation, as well as children and adolescents.

Kazakhstan has specialists in the field of prevention and treatment of all types of chemical dependence, who are at the forefront of the daily struggle but often work in isolation from each other. Health workers and non-medical sector employees do a lot of hard work in accordance with government policy, based on determination and willingness to help, but this alone is not enough. It is necessary to combine professional efforts for the sustainable development of mental health services for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of drug addiction.

The international society of specialists in the prevention and treatment of substance use ISSUP Kazakhstan welcomes all those who have joined to support the development of a professional network and reduce the demand for drugs among the population of Kazakhstan. We invite you to become active members of this society, as collective work to improve the quality and ensure the sustainability of the activities of specialists in the field of prevention and treatment of chemical addictions in Kazakhstan is the key to a successful fight against drug addiction. ISSUP Kazakhstan aims to create a unique and multidisciplinary network by bringing together the country's specialists in prevention, treatment and recovery from substance use.

ISSUP Kazakhstan follows the mission and vision of ISSUP Global: the main focus is on stimulating the development of professional strength, conducting research-based, high-quality and ethical policies. The global goals of ISSUP meet all the needs of Kazakhstan in this area and together we will create a professional work network with the necessary skills and abilities to provide high-quality, evidence-based and ethical prevention and treatment services.

The national office of Kazakhstan strives to:

  • Follow the guidelines of the national drug control policy;
  •  Encourage and support the international drug demand reduction community and emerging professionals to ensure effective policies and practices in this area;
  • Help professionals who work daily with drug addicts and drug users, as well as their families, access updated information from this healthcare sector;
  • Develop and implement evidence-based knowledge systems for evidence-based prevention, treatment, and recovery from substance use;
  • Bring to the attention of the entire society the high risk that exists when using legal and illegal drugs, based on scientific data and statistics;
  • Exchange of accumulated knowledge through training for drug abuse specialists in the region;
  • Informing the media about global data obtained from research in the field of chemical dependence;
  • Develop methods and training materials that have an impact on the prevention of drug use among the population;
  • Represent national communities of specialists in the prevention, treatment and recovery of substance use;
  • Promote various educational, social and cultural activities in the field of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of drug addiction;

We hope that you will become a member of ISSUP Kazakhstan and help build our work as a focal point for accessing news, views, information and support for those working in the field of drug demand reduction. We must continue our work against drugs with enthusiasm, through the close collaboration of specialists. Strengthening expert networks will not only increase the current capacity of Kazakhstan but at the same time will allow to expand ties with international professionals and organizations, attract their technical support in terms of capacity-building and sustainability of programs to combat the spread and use of psychoactive substances in the region.

This piece of content is not translated in Dari. View the original content in انگلیسی here.

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