About Us

The hospital part of the Department has 8 treatment units - detoxification unit and two other inpatient units (a total of 60 beds); 5 units for outpatients including specialised opioid maintenance treatment unit and special unit for children and adolescents.

In the University part the Department has 2 units and 2 research centers with 4 main research groups. The Department operates three extensive regular study programs focused on addictions: bachelor, master levels and PHD study program with the overall capacity of ~300 students. 

The Department supports two professional Journals – national journal APLP (Addictions in Prevention and Treatment) printed in the Czech Language – and Addictology, an international open access peer-rewied journal printed in English. 

In addition, the Department is active in life long education and we are part of different regular research programs and initiatives at the national and international level – e.g. we are co-ordinating body for Europe for ICUDDR where we are established member since 2016 and have a role not only for Europe activities but also for broader international context – e.g. developing case studies of addiction university programs etc.

Department of Addictology at Charles University is proud of be the hosting organisation to ISSUP!

ISSUP Czech Republic aims to:

  • Represent the national communities of substance use prevention, treatment and recovery professionals and aspiring professionals.
  • Develop and deliver knowledge systems for evidence-based prevention, treatment and recovery. 
  • Offer communications and networking opportunities that will take place online and at ISSUP Czech Republic events. 
  • Promote and support the international community of drug demand reduction professionals and aspiring professionals to ensure effective policy and practice in this field.
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