About Us

ISSUP Greece is managed by the Centres for the Prevention of Addictions and the Promotion of Psychosocial Health SEIRIOS. SEIRIOS is a non-profit organization founded by the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the Organization against Drugs - (OKANA), the Prefecture of Central Macedonia and significant associations of the city such as the Pharmaceutical Association of Thessaloniki, the Medical Association of Thessaloniki, the Dentists' Association of Thessaloniki and the Thessaloniki Bar Association.

We are two out of a network of 75 Prevention Centres nationwide.

Since February of 2000, our team of prevention workers consisted by psychologists and social workers, provide evidence based preventive interventions to parents/carers, teachers, coaches and all significant others in the lives of children and young adults. At the same time interventions are implemented directly to children of all ages within the school setting and to young adults outside the school setting. Preventive interventions are also implemented to the wider community. Prevention interventions are Universal, Selective and Indicated and are targeted to both types of addiction, substance and behavioural.

Our services are free and are provided to all people regardless of their gender, sex, age, race, colour, religion, national origin or background.

As ISSUP GREECE our aim is to create a platform where information, knowledge and best practices in the field of addictions can be shared within Greece but also throughout the world. We aim to build a network of practitioners working in the field of addiction - prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery - and provide the means for support and knowledge share. Also a wide variety of training will be provided by local and international professionals aiming to the development of professional skills in the field.

Our Aims

The word "therapon" (therapist) is first recorded in Homer's Iliad. It originally signified the servant who helps a warrior put on his armour before the battle. Health providers and more specifically addiction professionals, are exactly this: therapists, servants who serve people in their need.

With this in mind, our aims are:

  • to recognise and promote the national community of professionals in substance use prevention, treatment, harm reduction and recovery
  • to create a network of professionals working in the field of addiction in Greece, the Balkans and Southeastern Europe
  • to offer colleagues in Greece access to an International forum of specialists
  • to provide opportunities to professionals working in the field of addiction in Greece for training, education and credentialing
  • to provide a forum for sharing research findings, evidence-based practices, know-how and experience in the field of addiction

Our Team

At present, the National Chapter is managed by a Board of Directors coming from various organisations in the field. 


Phaedon Kaloterakis

M.W.S, President of the Board of the Prevention Centres SEIRIOS, Assistant Director of KETHEA, President of the European Federation of Therapeutic Communities (EFTC), Vice President of the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities (WFTC)


Stelios Giouzepas

Director of  "ARGO", Alternative Therapeutic Program for Addicted Individuals

Dr. Leda Kovatsi

BSc, MD, PhD, ERT, Forensic Pathologist, Associate Professor, Laboratory of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, School of Medicine Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Vice President of the Board of the Prevention Centres SEIRIOS

Dr. Anna Tsiboukli

Assistant Professor Lifelong Learning, Group Dynamics, Adult Education, School of Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Natalia Zachartzi

Social Worker, MSc, Scientific Director of the Prevention Centres SEIRIOS

Alternate Members

Ioulia Bafi

Psychologist, MSc, Head of Demand Reduction Section, Greek Documentation and Monitoring Centre for Drugs – Greek REITOX Focal Point of the EMCDDA, UNIVERSITY MENTAL HEALTH, NEUROSCIENCES AND PRECISION MEDICINE RESEARCH INSTITUTE ‘COSTAS STEFANIS’ (UMHRI)

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