About us

The official representative of Kazakhstan ISSUP is Republican scientific and practical center of mental health (https://mentalcenter.kz/).

Our aims:

  • Ensuring the provision of specialized and high-tech psychiatric care to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including psychotherapy, psychoneurological and drug treatment, conducting medical examinations;
  • Implementation of scientific, technical, innovative, medical, pharmaceutical, educational activities in the field of mental health and other related areas of healthcare;
  • Improving the organization of mental health care, analysis and coordination of psychiatric and drug treatment services, implementation of governmental and international programs.

Since the organization and to date, the RSPC PZ is the largest center of scientific and practical activities in the field of mental health in Kazakhstan, providing specialized medical care to the population of the Republic. The center has a wide range of modern and basic methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental disorders.

Our team:

Kuanysh Altynbekov, Deputy General Director, Republican scientific and practical center of mental health, MD.

kuanysh_altyn [at] mail [dot] ru (kuanysh_altyn[at]mail[dot]ru)

Rinat Muzafarov, Head of international cooperation and public relations Department, Republican scientific and practical center of mental health.

rinat [dot] muzafarov [at] bk [dot] ru (rinat[dot]muzafarov[at]bk[dot]ru)

Nadezhda Cherchenko, Republican scientific and practical center of mental health, Psychiatrist.

nadezhdacherchenko [at] gmail [dot] com (nadezhdacherchenko[at]gmail[dot]com)

Our partners:

  1. ICAP Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
  2. CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  3. CADAP Central Asia Drug Action Programme
  4. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
  5. UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
  6. UNAIDS The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS
  7. UNICEF The United Nations Children's Fund
  8. WHO World Health Organization
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