ISSUP Brazil

Intention to Expand the National Chapter in Brazil

The International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) would like to share its intention to expand the National Chapter in Brazil to build and strengthen the network of drug demand reduction professionals in Brazil.

Any non-governmental organisation, civil society group or other party interested in undertaking this proposed development should contact ISSUP for further information about ISSUP’s National Chapters and the application process.

Deadline for any notification is:

31st  July, 2024

Please contact: nationalchapter [at] issup [dot] net (nationalchapter[at]issup[dot]net)

Mobilization Freemind 2018 -2024

National Chapter of ISSUP Brazil

Mobilization Freemind, since 2012, has sought - through its Congresses, Events, Marketing and Spirit of Unity - to bring all these volunteers and professionals closer to other important characters in this struggle: local and national governments, scientists and academics and civil society for training, professionalization and exchange of experiences.

And so it was, under this identity and cause, that in July 2016 at a meeting of the ISSUP Board of Directors in Geneva, came the first negotiations for the Mobilization Freemind to become the host entity of the National Chapter of ISSUP in Brazil.

Today the Association ISSUP Brasil - International Society of Substance Use Professionals is constituted and has as prerogatives:

  • Follow the guidelines of the National Drug Policy;
  • Act from work foundations based on Information, Training and Mobilization;
  • Communicate to the Society as a whole, the great risk that exists in the use of legal and illegal drugs, based on statistics and scientific evidence;
  • Keeping the Media in general updated with respect to global data in relation to research and scientific evidence for preventing substance use;
  • Train coaches to work on prevention projects;
  • Assist professionals who work daily with drug addicts and their families to access updated information from the sector;
  • Develop methodologies and teaching materials that are impactful in preventing drug use among the young community;
  • Promote educational, social, recreational and cultural actions;
  • Strengthen and position the institutional brand of ISSUP Brasil as an integral part of ISSUP Global, an entity supported by the main World Institutions in this segment and
  • Act in interaction with other spaces that also promote prevention, education and health actions.



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