ISSUP Malaysia

The International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) Malaysia, is a non-profit Non-Government Organisation established for the purpose of promoting high quality, evidence-based and ethical substance use prevention, treatment and recovery network.

ISSUP Malaysian Chapter hopes to be the focal point for information and networking amongst Malaysian practicing and aspiring drug addiction professionals in the field of drug demand reduction.

Additionally, ISSUP Malaysia desires to promote and expand training opportunities to a wider range of practitioners throughout the country in line with the government’s vision to have trained and qualified people working in the field of drug demand reduction.


Drug use and abuse is a serious public health problem in Malaysia. It carries enormous health and social economic burdens that result in significant social and economic impact on individuals, families and communities. Consequently, efforts to address this burden should and need to be supported with effective and ethical practices.


To create a caring community through evidence-based and ethical practices in the field of drug demand reduction.


To provide quality standard prevention, treatment and recovery intervention services and ethical practices in the field of drug demand reduction and to be in a position to positively influence demand reduction practices and policy within the country.


  1. To build national membership through our web page, network and social media.
  2. To provide a forum where substance use prevention, treatment and recovery professionals can interact and participate together
  3. To collaborate with ISSUP Global to conduct webinars and training events to reach out to a wider range of audiences
  4. To provide training opportunities and offer credentials to individuals who wish to learn more about substance use disorder and drug demand reduction
  5. To ensure that we show and share with others our work in prevention, treatment and recovery

ISSUP Malaysia aims to provide a common platform to unite all stakeholders with a common vision, mission and goal.

ISSUP Malaysia is hosted by the Organization for Addiction Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation (OAPTAR) – a non-profit non-government organisation based in Kuching, SARAWAK, Malaysia.

This piece of content is not translated in Pashto. View the original content in انګرېزي here.

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