Youth Voices in SUD Management: Challenges and Opportunities
Training on Strengthening communities to promote and reduce drug use in Uganda 12-16 August 2024
In collaboration with Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) with funding from Com
Training on Clinical Care for Women with Substance Use Disorders WISE I held at Butabika Hospital Uganda
UYDEL Annual Report 2023
Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) is a not for profit organisation which started in 1993. They have a long-standing record of providing holistic
Dear All,
On behalf of Dr. Rogers Kasirye and UYDEL, you're invited to a vital meeting: "Insights into Synthetic Drug Trends: Essential Knowledge for CSOs in Africa." Organized by WFAD. This event is aimed at equipping CSOs with crucial insights into combating synthetic drug challenges.
Date: 20th May, 2024 | Time: 3PM East African Time | Location: Zoom Platform
Side event by Drug Abuse Prevention Centre (DAPC) of Japan, Uganda Youth Development Link is organizing this side event in an attempt to take an innovative step towards drug abuse prevention especially among the youth
Towards achieving a world free of drug abuse among the youth
ولسمشر موسوینی د مخدره موادو او اعصابو (کنټرول) قانون ۲۰۲۳ سره موافقه وکړه
ولسمشر یووری موسوینی د مخدره موادو او اعصابو (کنټرول) قانون 2023 سره موافقه وکړه چې د نورو ترڅنګ د چرس د کرهڼې جواز او په سختۍ سره د طبی استعمال لپاره اجازه ورکوی. دا لایحه د ۲۰۲۳ کال په اګسټ کې د پارلمان لخوا تصویب شوه چې له مخې یې د نشه یی توکو کارولو سره تړلې جرمونو ته سختې سزاګانې ورکول کیږی.
Uganda substance use professionals draft manual for Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral for Treatment (SBIRT) for alcohol use disorder primary health care
According to the current WHO report of 2023, Uganda is ranked the highest alcohol consumer in the African Region with a per capita alcohol consumption of 12.21 liters among adults.
Harmful use of alcohol is associated with a range of Communicable and Non-Communicable
Diseases, mental and psychological conditions, interpersonal violence, road traffic injuries, and Deaths.