About Us

The three organizations in charge of the development of ISSUP in Colombia have a long trajectory of work in the field of research, prevention, and treatment of drug use:

Corporación Nuevos Rumbos, the host organization, has been working for 20 years on creating and adapting preventive programs for different age groups and has developed research strategies that makes available to the entire ISSUP community in Latin America and other countries.

Universidad Nacional de Colombia is the largest and most important public university in the country, and from its two participating schools (Human Sciences and Medicine), has been committed to innovation, scientific rigor, and excellence. Now, it contributes to the objectives and the work plan of ISSUP Colombia, based on the expertise and inter-faculty work.

Corporación Surgir is one of the organizations with the most extended history in implementing prevention programs and policies in Colombia, and in the development of inter-institutional links with other countries, primarily through RIOD, which offers its knowledge to the work of all professionals in the country linked to ISSUP.

If you want to know more about each organization, we invite you to visit the following links:

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