About Us

ISSUP Côte d’Ivoire is hosted by the Interministerial Committee on Drug (ICD)created by Decree N° 99-506 of 28 july 1999.

The Interministerial Committee on Drug (ICD) is placed under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of Security, Coordinator of drug use reduction.

ICD is responsible for :

  • Coordinate and supervise the action of the administrations in their work on drugs and drug addiction;
  • Prepare Government decisions both nationally and internationally in tackling the trafficking and illicit use of drugs;
  • To promote training, prevention, medico-social management, research, epidemiological studies and traffic statistics and the illicit use of drugs;
  • To ensure the application of international drug and drug treaties psychotropic substances;
  • Manage Côte d'Ivoire’s participation in various meetings, seminars, and other meetings related to drug issues;
  • Submit an annual report to the Government setting out the national drug policy situation  and its development in all its aspects;
  • Reallocate the intervention budget allocated towards the reduction of drugs between the Ministry and institutions concerned by this phenomenon.

ICD includes the National Commission and the General Secretariat.The National Commission is the management core. It is chaired by the Minister in charge of Security and includes six (06) Subcommittees which are the following : -

  • The Subcommittee on Repression and Statistics ;
  • The Subcommittee on Prevention ;
  • The Salary Subcommittee ;
  • The Sub-Committee on Reintegration ;
  • The Subcommittee on Legislation ;
  • The Subcommittee on International Relations.

Regional Commissions, which represent ICD at the regional level. They are composed of local representatives of the member ministries of the National Commission


The General Secretariat of ICD.

The task of the ICD General Secretariat is to prepare the deliberations of the National Commission and ensure its execution. It is headed by a Secretary General, who is the National Coordinator.

The multidimensional nature of drugs calls for a holistic approach, in order to address all aspects of this phenomenon. The transnational nature of drug trafficking, and sharing drug abuse practices, requires a comprehensive response. A single state cannot cope with it successfully. This is why it is necessary to work in collaboration with others in the framework of concerted actions.

As a coordinator of the reduction of drug use and trafficking in Côte d’Ivoire, ICD works closely with other structures involved in the reduction of drugs usage in n Cote D’Ivoire.

 Setting up an ISSUP Côte d’Ivoire chapter will enable us to explore new ways of collaboration and co-production with different groups of practitioners, experts by experience and academics working in the field of drug demand reduction.


The fundamental role of ISSUP Côte d’Ivoire is to serve as a focal point for the development of evidence-based policies and practices, high quality and ethical in the field of drug demand reduction and to promote the professionalization of prevention, treatment and recovery support personnel.


As ISSUP National Chapter, our mission is to encourage the networking, information sharing and training opportunities in the country.

ISSUP Côte d’Ivoire aims to professionalize stakeholders in drug demand reduction,

The activities to be undertaken concern :

  • Build capacity and develop professional competency in alcohol and drug prevention, treatment and recovery support approaches
  • Advocacy for the implementation of evidence-based treatment and rehabilitation standards for substance users (application of treatment protocols, availability of drugs and other strategic inputs within management structures) :

To strengthen the existing links with these different components of the state, the National Chapter will :

  • Foster knowledge exchange across professional groups, experts by experience, different academic disciplines and different countries/ cultures ;
  • Encourage co-produced research through practitioner and expert by experience involvement, and build research capacity in the drugs/alcohol field ;
  • Contribute to workforce development by provision of UTC and UPC courses as well as programmes at master and doctoral levels ;  
  • Promote production and dissemination of the evidence base for policy and practice ;
  • Provide a platform for discussion of current issues in drug and alcohol research and the implications for policy and practice ;
  • Offer opportunities to lead or participate in ISSUP Côte d’Ivoire webinars, workshops or other events.


In the initial phase, governance of the ISSUP National Chapter in Côte d’Ivoire will be under the supervision of an Executive Committee composed of 8 designated members.The Executive Committee is headed by an Executive Director. Additional board of resources persons will be established, as necessary, during the implementation phase.

With the Executive Committee, governance will be based on the principles of transparency and rigour in management as indicated by the standards recommended by ISSUP Global.

This Executive Committee will promote buy-in from stakeholders in drug demand reduction and will strengthen the ongoing online networking of these stakeholders.

The Executive Committee will ensure that exchanges and relationships with ISSUP Global through new information technologies take place and take place properly.

The Executive Committee will establish rules and principles of good governance

The Executive Committee will develop a Charter of Good Conduct that would apply to all.

The Executive Committee is headed by Dr. KOFFI Brou Jean Claude Bouabré and consists of eight members designated in the table below.





Dr. KOFFI Brou Jean Claude Bouabré

Executive Director

Pr. KOUMA Yao Kouakou Ronsard Odonkor

Head of communication and external relations

Pr. KOUA Asseman Medard

Head of the research and training issues unit


Responsible for elaboration of new projets

Mr. SYLLA Moustapha

Responsible of the Organizing Commitee

Mrs. KOUAME Annick Patricia

Member of the organizing commitee

Ms. YAPO Kichiedou Marcelle


Mr. BAMBA Tiahatie

Member of the research and training issues unit

Dr.KOFFI Brou Jean Claude Bouabré Executive Director of ISSUP National Chapter Côte d’Ivoire

Dr.KOFFI Brou Jean Claude Bouabré

Executive Director of ISSUP National Chapter Côte d’Ivoire


This piece of content is not translated in Pashto. View the original content in انګرېزي here.

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