About Us


For the sake of improving the quality of services to addiction issues in Indonesia, it is necessary to have mutual cooperation, and unite and empower stakeholders.


  • To discuss, explore and agree about the integrated programs involving all stakeholders, especially for the prevention and treatment or recovery programs in various forms of addiction and as outlined in the short, medium and long term.
  • To encourage and involve as many stakeholders as possible, although they have not been yet under or organized by ISSUP Indonesia such as the government, private institutions, and also the indigenous (local) peoples and religions institutions to take part proactively in discussing addiction issues in various activities at the national level through workshops, seminars, and conferences.
  • To involve and encourage the members of ISSUP Indonesia, especially academics and universities to develop research in addition studies in order to assist the process of the prevention, treatment and recovery support programs effectively and efficiently in Indonesia.


To improve the quality service offered by substance use prevention, treatment and recovery support professionals towards addiction issues in various forms by using the concepts, methods, approaches which are comprehensive, integrated, sustainable in accordance with psychological, spiritual, social and cultural conditions and contexts in Indonesia.




This piece of content is not translated in Pashto. View the original content in انګرېزي here.

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